The Refurberation Mission

Re·fur·ber·a·tion: the continuing effect of home-improvement projectitis.

Our name is a play on “reverberation,” which means a continuing effect; a repercussion; or resonance—the persistence of sound after the sound is produced.

We are in a constant state of DIY projects; sanding, hammering, sawing, painting and transforming. Apart from the “repercussion” of noises this creates around us, our purpose here is to create a home that resonates with our style; a happy-place that persistently makes us feel proud of what we created using our own hands.

And, we’re here to help others do the same!

Hi! I’m Kelsey! Corporate marketing professional by day; entrepreneur and DIY junkie by night. Home makeover projects and learning new furniture refurbishing skills have always been just a fun hobby on the side. But recently, I’ve decided to take it to the next level and become a professional hobbyist.

My Refurberation story really begins after two very difficult back to back miscarriages. With the time I took to heal and grieve, I found therapy in the process of transforming and sweating through new projects. Whether that was sanding bare and refinishing a dining set, or de-pilling and painting a tragic fabric wingback (yes, that is possible!).

I am now on an adventure to find even more soul-healing projects to work on, share my experience and best practices, host a community that provides other DIY hobbyists a platform for bragging and educating, and curate all the product faves I’ve come to love along the way.

I hope you join me!


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