Welcome to Refurberation!

Hi! I’m Kelsey! Corporate marketing professional by day; entrepreneur and DIY addict by night. 

Growing up I always had the belief in my mind that I would become some sort of artist: sculptor, photographer, novelist, etc. So in college, when I realized that those dreams didn’t exactly align with my true abilities, I settled for a degree in Marketing. I wanted a profession where I could fuel my creative instincts and still be able to pay the bills. I’ve been doing that for over a decade now—grinding through the day in a high-pressure, high-stress corporate work environment, and I’m sooo tired. Ha!


And within that timeframe I also got married and had a little girl, who is now approaching 4 years old. So while it’s been necessary to “adult” with a career and household, I’ve still always found a way to connect back to my roots (though not nearly as much as I’d like).

Crafting, DIY home makeover projects, interior design, and learning new furniture refurbishing skills have always been my fun hobby on the side. But recently, I’ve decided to take it to the next level and become a professional hobbyist… Enter this here blog.


My Refurberation story really begins after two very difficult back-to-back miscarriages within the same year and during the pandemic. During my time off to heal and grieve, I found therapy in the process of transforming and sweating through new projects. Whether that was sanding bare and refinishing a dining set, or de-pilling and painting a tragic fabric wingback (yes, that is possible!). 

I am now on a mission of self-discovery to find even more soul-healing projects to work on, share my experience, lessons learned and best practices, and curate all the product faves we’ve come to love along the way.

My additional goal for this blog is to give other DIY-ers the confidence to dive headfirst into an ambitious project piece, or maybe even create something from scratch. I hope to host a community that provides peer DIY hobbyists a platform for bragging and educating like-minded or fearful beginners.

I will continue to encourage you and other readers to submit your own accomplishments to be featured here. Not everyone has the time and energy to create a blog, but your DIY successes deserve some bragging rights! You can submit your projects here, and become a frequent guest blogger as you continue on in your own journey (or just share the one piece you’re proudest of or learned the most from). 

Here’s a list of topics you can expect to see moving forward:

  • Tips & Tricks for Furniture Makeovers

  • Beginner Woodworking Skills & Plans

  • Easy Home Decor Crafts

  • Product Roundups & Comparisons

  • Advice for Selling Your Projects

  • Video Demonstrations for Learned Skills

  • Interior Design Best Practices & Guides

  • Garden & Landscape Ideas

I’m so excited that you’re here, and I hope you find value, support, and encouragement as you learn along with me.

Don’t forget to subscribe!


What You’ll Need for DIY Wood Refinishing